
News from Art School Maa 21.3.2025

27.03.2025: …(de)spite of everything - performance event at Maa-Tila

4.-28.2.2025: Feeling s o r e / arka(ainen) ruumis - exhibition at Rikhardinkatu Library.

17.1.2025: International Art Birthday celebrated by the Nomadic Academy of Experimental Arts

17.1.2025: Evening of experimental performances: Looks, acts and sounds II

✍️ 28.2.–2.5.2025 Lino & Etching Course on Fridays with Dahlia El Broul

8.–26.1.2025: as if I wasn't here, daily – exhibition at Maa-Tila

14.12.2024: Screening & Performances & Café @Art School Maa

7.-8.12.2024: jouluMaa – Art School Maa Xmas Art Sales @ Tekstin talo, Bar tÿpo

Open position: Internship/work try-out at Maa-Tila project space

Viapori's kekri 2024: Art Sales at Art School Maa
"The Poor and The Beautiful - Muut (The Others)" wins Uneton48 documentary challenge!

26.9.2024: Evening of experimental performances @Maa-Tila

23.9.–2.12.24 Open evening course: Vegan tempera, teacher: Annaliisa Krage

Maa's Sound Workshop 2023-2024 - Maa SMR

✍︎ 3.9.–30.10.2024: Reduction Linocut Printmaking with Dahlia El Broul
13.–14.7.2024: Summer sales at Käpylä's kiosk

Kela is reinstating study support!

Welcoming our new students 2024–2027!

Congratulations to our graduates 2024!

28.5.2024: Spring screening: VAIHEITA JA PAIKKOJA – PHASES AND PLACES

27.5.2024: Exhibition tour at Levyhalli and graduation day

Open position: Maa-Tila project space is looking for an intern