Testing 1,2 at Myymälä2 8.–19.5.2019
Art exhibition of process
The students attending the first year at Taidekoulu Maa display their work-in-progress at Myymälä2 gallery, Uudenmaankatu 23, Helsinki, from 8.5. to 19.5.2019
The exhibition is called TESTING 1,2 and it opens to the public day 8.5. at 16:00.
The various interests and research paths of the students embrace a wide range of disciplines: sound art, sculpture, site-specific installation, painting, photography, film, landscape architecture, environmental art.
The purpose of the exhibition is to approach different manners to share the creative act during its process; what role may the public have or take in influencing it? How do we think collectively?
Although the students did not intentionally work with a common theme binding the exhibition, resonances and similarities appear in the visual language and in the concerns animating their research.
Participants: Anastasia Anikina, Ina Gabrielsson, Edna Huotari, Veera Kujala, Aleksandra Kuokkanen, Ninni Ollikainen, Saara Taipale, Emppu Veinola, Saija Vihervuori, Lia Woelke.