MAA’s Thursday Lectures & Miran Mohar on 19th Nov
Welcome to listen to Miran Mohar’s Artist Talk “State in Time” at the Art School MAA Zoom on Thursday 19th of November.
Miran Mohar (born 1958 in Novo Mesto, Slovenia) is painter, graphic designer and set designer based in Ljubljana.
He is a member of the Irwin artists group and a co-founder of the Neue Slowenische Kunst art collective, the graphic design studio New Collectivism and the Scipion Nasice Sisters Theatre. As a member of the New Collectivism graphic design team he co-designed numerous books, posters and other graphic design products for various art institutions internationally. Since 1983 he has made several set designs for various theatres and dance companies.
He is an associate professor and vice-dean at AVA, Academy of Visual Arts in Ljubljana and a visiting professor at UBT University in Prishtina.
The talk is part of the Art School MAA’s Thursday Lectures that are open for everyone. The lectures fall into three categories: “contemporary art phenomena and practices”, “art history retold / new art histories” and “feminist collectives”. All lectures will be held via Zoom from 10–12 am. The link can be obtained from info@taidekoulumaa.fi.
Autumn 2020 lectures:
10.9. Jussi Kivi (excursion)
contemporary art phenomena and practices
17.9. Baran Caginli: Blackout
contemporary art phenomena and practices
24.9. Zoran Solomun: Superartmarket, film screening and Q&A with the director
contemporary art phenomena and practices
1.10. Corina Apostol: Genealogy of art workers’ struggle
new art histories
22.10. Taija Roiha: Taiteellisen työn yhteiskunnallinen eriarvoisuus prekaarissa taidemaailmassa
contemporary art phenomena and practices
29.10. Irmeli Hautamäki: Avantgarde ja kriittinen ajattelun murros taiteessa
new art histories
5.11. Yassine Khaled: Artist Talk
contemporary art phenomena and practices
19.11. Miran Mohar: State in Time
new art histories
26.11. Technical Assistant of MoAA Goran Djordjevic: Museum of American Art, Berlin – A Story
new art histories
3.12. Feminist Culture House
feminist collectives
yhteiskunnallinen eriarvoisuus prekaarissa taidemaailmassa
nykytaiteen ilmiöitä ja käytänteitä
29.10. Irmeli Hautamäki: Avantgarde ja kriittinen ajattelun murros taiteessa
taidehistoria uusiksi
5.11. Yassine Khaled: Artist Talk
nykytaiteen ilmiöitä ja käytänteitä
19.11. Miran Mohar: State in Time
taidehistoria uusiksi
26.11. Technical Assistant of MoAA Goran Djordjevic: Museum of American Art, Berlin – A Story
taidehistoria uusiksi
3.12. Feminist Culture House
feministiset kollektiivit