Maan läpi -lopputyönäyttely Galleria Augustassa 15.4–1.5.2021
15.4.–1.5. 2021
Galleria Augusta, Suomenlinna
Suomenlinna B 28, 00190 Helsinki
The exhibition is open
Tue–Fri 13:00–19:00
Sat–Sun 11:00–19:00
Maan läpi (Through the Earth) exhibition consists of final works from the graduates of Art School MAA. The name of the exhibition, Maan läpi, can be interpreted or understood as the act of going through, somehow and somewhat puncturing the surface and making a hole or a “mouth” in the ground or planet. The exhibition presents versatile works in different mediums from sculptures to video and installation to fiber art.
The themes of the artworks reflect the ongoing climate crisis and the need to challenge the relationship of existence and environment. In these uncertain times the works awake interest in knowing, un-knowing and relearning. The exhibition has been supported by The Finnish Cultural Foundation, Helsinki International Artist Programme (HIAP) and Art School MAA.
We follow the current government safety guidelines regarding covid-19. We won’t be hosting an opening party but the artist will be present during the exhibition.
The gallery space can host a maximum of 5 visitors at a time. Please wear a mask inside the gallery space during your visit.
Updates on the safety guidelines may occur, so look in for updates from our facebook event or on instagram @through_ground.